Proud mexican nursery

GreenSam is a high tech nursery with over 30 years of experience developing strawberry plants. It’s unique innovation system allows the development of the best varieties from different parts of the world.

Premium Plants For Greatest Fruits

What is GreenSam?

Is a 100% mexican nursery located in the productive valley of Zamora, Michoacán; a national and internacional benchmark for it’s large production of berries of the highest quality. GreenSam is part of a group of leading companies dedicated to the development, production and processing of berries for more than 30 years.

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We produce the world’s greatest varieties

Our plug plant is the ideal presentation of a complete plant with a developed radicle system. It represents a considerable advantage by having a growth in the structure of the plant, allowing greater homogeneity, less exposure to diseases and, above all, greater precocity in production.

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Test Plot

An important part of our research and development system focuses in evaluating different varieties coming from around the world. Our testing fields allow us to study the plants with precision, obtaining very important information about it’s most distinct characeristics.

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